SRM Consulting provides risk control and risk management consulting services to organizations that:

  • do not have a full-time risk manager,
  • need services in addition to the ones currently being provided by their agent, broker or insurance carrier or,
  • need a better understanding of how risks affect their bottom line. 

Our services can be provided directly  to your organization, or we can work with your agent or broker to supplement the services that you are already receiving. Services that we can provide fall under two categories: Risk Management and Risk Control. These services include:

Risk Management:
  • Risk assessment of your organization including operations, facilities and personnel
  • Develop organizational risk management practices and procedures
  • Assist in determining insurance limits based on a review of exposures
  • Assist in determining the proper insurance deductibles based on exposures
  • Review of claims / loss history to identify possible trends

Property and Casualty Risk Control:
  • Develop organizational risk control practices and procedures
  • Train personnel in risk control practices and procedures
  • Inspections of facilities and operations
  • Review of insurance company inspection reports for technical accuracy and relevance
  • Provide alternatives to insurance company recommendations, when available
  • Act as an organization's risk control resource
  • Act as a liaison between the organization and its insurance company

Our goal is to reduce your organization's total cost of risk, while providing you with quality services.

About SRM Consulting
This page was last updated: February 25, 2013